West Bridgford Dramatic Society is a club where people with an interest in drama meet, enjoy tremendous camaraderie and make friends for life - putting on really good plays along the way!

We have a good mix of members, aged from 17 to over 80, some of whom have been with the Society for decades and some for weeks. We put on a variety of plays throughout the year ranging from comedies, through costume dramas to modern day thrillers, so there's something for everyone. We perform three full-length plays, in February, May and November, and an evening of one act plays in July.
With the exception of a summer and Christmas break, the Society meets every Tuesday at 7:30pm at The Studio Theatre for a variety of activities including play reading, technical workshops and preparing for upcoming productions.
It's not all about acting. Here are some examples of the other fun and challenging roles we have to offer:
Production manager
Stage manager
Assistant stage manager
Set designer
Lighting designer
Sound designer
Lighting Operator
Sound operator
Stage construction hand
Front of House Manager
Front of house assistants
Wardrobe manager
Costume designer
Poster and Programe Design

So if you've always been interested in drama, but don't know where to start, email us to join us on a Tuesday evening or come along to our next production. We welcome everyone, regardless of experience.