Adapted from Charles Dickens by Neil Bartlett
3rd - 10th December 2016

Using only Charles Dickens' extraordinary words and a chameleon ensemble of actors, Neil Bartlett's "A Christmas Carol" brings a boldly theatrical imagination to bear on a classic story. A heart warming seasonal tale for all the family. Performed under license from The Agency
Director: Jerome Foley
Production Manager: Lynn Burges
Scrooge Richard Young
Various Coralie Farmer
Various Dave Cochrane
Various Dom Gaskell
Various Isi Dixon
Various Jacky Tivers
Various Lesley Flounders
Various Malcolm Todd
Various Mark Buckley
Various Rob Dakin
Various Ryan Hooper
Various Tim Farrow
Various Tony Vokes
Various Vic Carr
Voice of Tiny Tim Lauren Knight
Assistant Director Mark Buckley
Technical Director Ali Bakewell
Stage Manager Rosie Farrow
Set Design Candice Gush
Set Construction Lead Andy Bakewell
Lighting Design Chris Robinson
Sound Design Ritchie Sharpe
Lighting Operator Sarah Banks
Sound Operator Jan Dizon and John Banks
ASM Barbara Seymour
ASM Sue Scrimshaw
Props and Costumes Michelene Harris
Costumes Sarah Banks
Poster Design Mat Clark
Box Office Jacky Tivers
Front of House Rob Dixon