by Laura Wade
11th -15th July 2017

Laura Wade's beautifully poised family drama combines humour, pathos and understated but undoubted love within a family facing a future without its lynchpin. Even in the face of death, there are boilers to be fixed, cats to be fed and plans to be made. Pitch-perfect writing and three-dimensional characters from the writer of "Posh". First performed at the Soho Theatre, London, in 2005.
Director: Malcolm Todd
Production Manager: Vic Carr
Jenna Ellie Ball
Harriet Lesley Flounders
Myra Lynn Burges
Alec Richard Young
Stage Manager Rob Dixon
Set Designer Charlotte Bakewell
Set Construction Andy Bakewell
Lighting Designers Jerome Foley
Sound Designer Ritchie Sharpe
Technical Advisor Chris Robinson
Lighting Operators Sarah Banks and John Banks
Sound Operator Coralie Farmer
Rehearsal Prompt Michelene Harris
Props Luke Bratton
ASM Jan Dizon
ASM Sue Scrimshaw
Costumes Michelene Harris
Box Office Jacky Tivers
Front of House Manager Caroline Todd
Publicity and Programme Rob Dixon
Poster Martyn Parker-Eames
Photography Dawn Cochrane