by Donald Churchill and Peter Yeldham
26th - 30th November 2019

This comedy was a hit at the Theatre Royal. When Tom Lambert, botanist and TV gardening personality, receives a call from Inland Revenue enquiring about his public relations consultant Joanna Flint, he can honestly say he has never heard of her. By lunchtime, he knows all about Miss Flint: his accountant and ex wife confesses that she invented Miss Flint as a tax dodge. This tricky situation sets the stage for sparkling comedy.
Director: Craig Russell
Production Manager: Rosie Farrow
Tom Lambert Luke Bratton
Sarah Kristina Linnell
Albert Adrian Bacon
Lucy Margarita Papadopoulou
Mr Dodds Tim Farrow
CP Lens Amanda Pearce
Assistant Director Roxana Ciurean
Stage Manager Rob Dixon
Set Designer Andy Bakewell
Stage Dressing Rob Dixon
Lighting Design Jerome Foley
Sound Design Arran Mackay
Props Ryan Hooper
Costumes Cast and Roxana Ciurean
Lighting Operation Isi Dixon
Sound Operation Ritchie Sharpe
Assistant Stage Manager Savannah Dixon
Prompt Sue Scrimshaw
Front of House Manager Caroline Todd and Team
Box Office Jacky Tivers
Foyer Floristry Display Charlotte Bakewell
Photography Paul Burrows