We have reviewed the government's road map and what that means for WBDS.
We still have online activity - radio plays and Tuesday night programmes for members.
But we can now provisionally plan plays back in The Studio Theatre.
Our provisional schedule (details from the home page)
* The Signalman - April 2021 - online/radio play
* The Thrill of Love - Nov/Dec 2022 - hopefully our first play back in The Studio
* Relatively Speaking - Feb 2022
* Veronica's Room - May 2022
* One Acts - July 2022
* And Then There Were None - Nov/Dec 2022
We love the support you have given us with our online performances - over 500 people viewed 6 Characters in Search of an Author and over 300 listened to our first radio play Casablanca.
But we particularly look forward to seeing you in person - when we can.