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Returning to The Studio - a plan

We have been closely monitoring bulletins released by the Government as well as noting the reactions of the professional theatre and entertainment industry in respect of the current pandemic. We are sure you are as encouraged as we are by the recent Government announcement setting out an approximate “Road Map” indicating how the current restrictions may be relaxed. We are both keen to return to drama productions at the Studio Theatre and cautious of the health and well being of our members, not to mention the theatre going public. WBDS has recently met in order to discuss how it would be best for all parties and has come up with the following outline plan; it should be noted that we have drawn up the plan to include the assumption that there will be slippage in the Government timetable and so may appear over prudent. We will however closely monitor progress against both the Government’s and our plan and, bearing in mind the lead times required to put on a production, accelerate the plan if possible:

  • Carry out a survey to find out the best way of “Covid proofing” the Studio Theatre (this will include checking the heating and water systems),

  • Carry out any works required,

  • If all is clear, reopen the Studio Theatre in late June for club nights and social events (expect a giant Barbeque to start with),

  • Aim for the first full production in November/December 2021

The main aim of WBDS in all this is to provide as safe as possible an environment for you to return to; you of course are in a better position to decide, according to your own circumstances, when is the best time to re-join us.




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